Magazin 20.02.2016.

(FOTO) Vjerila se Ela Dvornik…

ČITANJE: 1 minuta
Ćerka Dina Dvornika, Ela Dvornik, vjerila se u Japanu sa svojim dečkom Čarlsom Pirsom. 

Vijest o vjeridbi objavio je upravo Pirs na svom profilu na Instagramu, uz romantičan status posvećen svojoj vjerenici.

– Za one koji nisu još pogodili, ja sam najsrećnija osoba na svijetu, jer je najdivnija Ela Dvornik pristala da se uda za mene- napisao je između ostalog Čarls.

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Here in my freshly translated dream I feel it is appropriate to say something. For those of you that didn't guess , I am the happiest person alive, having had the most wonderful @elladvornik accept my proposal of marriage. I knew from the moment I met her, her peering down at me, that I would always be with her. All goth, but incredibly beautiful with soul sparkle… An image that is imprinted on my mind, heart and soul forever more. 14th of Feb is cheesy sure… but it's two years to the day that I gave her the first choice. For those that kept my secret this last year, for those who have shared nice and beautiful words and messages thank so very much. You are all amazing people, and me… I'm so very happy! Thank you everyone, thank you my life love Ella ))) a&f )))

A post shared by Charles Pearce (@charles_pearce) on

Diplomirani arhitekta i marketinški stručnjak od Ele je stariji 13 godina, ali ta ih razlika u
godinama očigledno ih je više spojila nego razdvojila. Čarls je uspješan poslovni čovjek u Londonu, direktor i osnivač kompanije “Adfrap Media” koja se već osam godina bavi marketingom na tržištu mobilnih telefona.
